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Bridging the Gaps in Evidence, Regulation and Impact of Anticorruption Policies (BRIDGEGAP)

Del 1 de gener de 2024 fins al 31 de desembre de 2027
Programa de finançament: Horizon Europe. Research and Innovation Actions

Grant number101132483

BRIDGEGAP is a multidisciplinary research project reuniting former members of the ANTICORRP consortium (Transparency International, ERCAS/SAR, CSD, University of PISA, University of Perugia) who have continued to invest in the development of data commons allowing corruption understanding and monitoring on the basis of objective data (e.g. Integrity Watch, Index for Public Integrity, T-Index, Russian Economic Footprint), with new academic partners who published novel methods to measure money laundering (Utrecht University) anthropologists and criminologists who pioneered corruption studies in liberal democracies (IFFS), and new IT groups like the Ukrainian organisation YouControl, the first to interconnect data to enable searches of the assets of sanctioned individuals through its algorithm Follow the Money.

BRIDGEGAP fills the knowledge gaps regarding both the extent to and the mechanisms by which corruption infiltrates open societies even across borders and it produces measurements of corruption across countries and time by its innovative models, as well as social network maps. It also assesses and offers solutions to the digital transparency gaps, ranging from the tools of transparency, the use and abuse of technology in corruption and anticorruption to the state of it. Finally, it assesses public accountability and anticorruption regulation across EUMS and candidate states to identify regulatory and impact gaps, thus addressing the academia–policy gap in corruption studies. The research will result in academic publications as well as in interactive analytical and research commons like comparative law repositories EU Compass, European Transparency Index, Follow the Money search engines across newly interconnected databases. All its pooled data will be displayed transparently on the website as a Data Hub and will offer end users the same investigation and analytical tools as the project researchers, inviting crowd-sourcing and offering online tutorials.

Clústers de recerca relacionats amb el projecte

Membres de l'equip

Sofia Breitenstein
Sofia Breitenstein

Institucions participants

  • The Lisbon Council for Economic Competitiveness (Coordinator)

  • Luiss Guido Carli University

  • University of Pisa

  • University of Antwerp

  • Institute for Futures Studies

  • Hebrew University of Jerusalem

  • Romanian Academic Society

  • University of Perugia

  • KEDGE Business School

  • University of Glasgow

  • Utrecht University

  • Center for the Study of Democracy

  • Transparency International

  • Limited Liability Company YouControl

Institucions finançadores

  • European Commission

Jacint Jordana
Adam Holesch_foto
Adam Holesch
Persona de contacte
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