Carles Feixa
Full Professor, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Dades de contacte
CARLES FEIXA PÀMPOLS (Lleida, 1962) is full professor of social anthropology at Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona). He has a PhD from the University of Barcelona and an Honoris Causa from the University of Manizales (Colombia). Former professor at the University of Lleida, he has been visiting scholar in Rome, Mexico City, Paris, Berkeley, Buenos Aires, Santiago de Chile, Newcastle and Lima. He has specialized in the study of youth cultures, conducting fieldwork research in Catalonia, Mexico and Colombia. He is author or coauthor of more than 50 books, including De jóvenes, bandas y tribus (1998), Jovens na America Latina (2004), Global Youth? (2006), Youth, Space and Time (2016), La imaginación autobiográfica (2018), Oltre le bande (2020), El Rey. Diario de un Latin King (2020) y El Iti y su banda: Mierdas Punks (2022). He has been co-editor of the journal Young (UK) and member of the editorial board of Nueva Antropología (México), Revista Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, Niñez y Juventud (Colombia), Última Década (Chile), Mondi Migranti (Italia), Analise Social (Portugal), among others. He has been a consultant on youth policies for the United Nations and VP for Europe of the research committee “Sociology of Youth” of the International Sociological Association. He is coordinator of the Youth and Society Research Network and has been Principal Investigator of the European Research Council project TRANSGANG.
Formació acadèmica
- (1990) PhD in Social Anthropology, Universitat de Barcelona
- (1985) Degree in Geography and History, Universitat de Barcelona
- 2006. Doctorate Honoris Causa in Social Sciences, Childhood and Youth
Afiliacions professionals
- International Sociological Association
Línies d'investigació
- Joventut
- Criminalitat
- Gangs
- Amèrica Llatina
- Migració
Projectes d'investigació
2023-2025. Juvenicidios morales. De las bandas juveniles a los menores migrantes [JUVENICIDES]. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación [PID2022-143277OB-I00]. IP: Carles Feixa. Nº Inv.: 11. Inicio: 01/09/2023. Final: 30/08/2025.
2024. Juvenicide: Conceptualizing, measuring, preventing and countering systematic violence against young people. Wenner Gren Foundation.
2023-26. RASSIF-3: Por la protección transregional y transnacional de los derechos de menores marroquíes y extranjeros en proceso migratorio entre Marruecos y Cataluña. Generalitat de Catalunya: Agència Catalana de Cooperació al Desenvolupament. Casal d’Infants del Raval-AIDA-UPF
Publicacions més destacades
- 2024.Latino Gangs in Spain: From the Latin Kings & Queens to the Dominican Don't Play.European Journal of Social Work,1-12Enllaç
- 2024.Ethics, research policy and practice: changes, challenges and dilemmas in ethnographic youth research.Edward Elgar Publishers,pp: 429-443.Enllaç
- 2023.Gangs: Fieldwork Experiences, Ethical Dilemmas, and Emotions in Youth Street Groups Research.Springer,pp: 321-340.Enllaç
- 2022.Multi-disciplinary Approaches.‘A Revolution Without Death’. Hip-Hop as a Weapon Against Violence.Cham:The Urban Book Series,pp: 327-352.Enllaç
- 2022.Etnografía y cine en la investigación antropológica. Reflexiones desde el proyecto Transgang. Disparidades.Revista de Antropología,77(1):1-14Enllaç
- 2022.Creating insecurity through youth street groups and applying security for control and governance. A case study of Latin Kings & Queens in Barcelona.Critical Criminology,30 (3):1-16Enllaç
- 2021.Gangs and social media: A systematic literature review and an identification of future challenges, risks and recommendations.New Media and Society,23(7):2099-2124Enllaç
- 2021.Bandas dentro, bandas fuera. (Des)securitización versus punitivismo de las organizaciones juveniles de calle en España, Ecuador y El Salvador.Análisis Político,34 (102):150-174Enllaç
- 2020.Songs that Sing the Crisis: Music, Words, Youth Narratives in Late Modernity.Young,28(1):5-13Enllaç