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icono de curso

Conflicts, Threats and Violence in Global Politics


Crèdits: 6 ECTS

Segon semestre

Assignatures optatives d'Especialitat




The course offers a broad introduction to themes related to international conflict and global politics and some of the core concepts and perspectives guiding their study. It will examine a number of theoretical approaches by focusing on a range of security issues, including the causes of war, ethics and use of violence, alliance formation, humanitarian intervention, democratic peace, human security, new security issues and actors, and terrorism. It will inquire in the processes through which societies define and prioritize attention to different threats and the means they choose to address them.


Assessment criteria:

  • Class participation, including submitting one written question for each seminar: 10%
  • One written essay of 1,500 words (+/- 10%): 20%
  • One oral presentation of about 20 minutes and a 500-word written summary of the main arguments in the presentation (+/- 10%): 20%
  • Once serving as a discussant of a presentation made by a colleague: 10%
  • Final take-home exam: 40%

Competències, resultats d'aprenentatge i activitats formatives (PDF) (Castellà)
