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2022 Edition | Barcelona Summer School of the Mediterranean and the Middle East




International Relations of the Middle East in the 21st Century

Katerina Dalacoura (LSE)

4-8 July


10 hour course

Gender and Feminism in the Middle East

Nadje Al-Ali (Brown University)

4-6 July


10 hour course

The Return of the Military in Arab States

Yezid Sayigh (Carnegie Endowment for International Peace)

4-8 July


10 hour course

Migration and Extremism in the Mediterranean

Valeria Bello (Blanquerna-IBEI)

4-8 July


10 hour course

The Continued Effects of the Colonial Era on the EU's Foreign Policy Towards its Mediterranean/Southern Neighbourhood

Michelle Pace (Roskilde University)

4-8 July


10 hour course

Praying and Playing: Football, Religion and Social Identities

Leif Stenberg (AKU - ISMC)

4-8 July


10 hour course

The format will be hybrid (classes will run simultaneously face to face and online to allow students to choose the modality that best suits their needs).