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2022 edition | Barcelona Summer School in Global Politics, Development and Security




Geopolitics of the MENA Region in a Post-Western and Post-Covid World

Eduard Soler (CIDOB-IBEI)

20, 21 & 22 June (11:30 - 13:30)

6 hour course

Authoritarian regionalism in the world of international organizations

Anastassia Obydenkova (Uppsala University - IBEI)

20, 21 & 22 June (11:30 - 13:30)

6 hour course

Islam and politics in MENA: ideology, activism and change

Lurdes Vidal (IEMED-IBEI)

20, 21 & 22 June (15:00 - 17:00)

6 hour course

Emerging Technologies and the Future of Conflict

Arthur Holland (Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs)

20, 21 & 22 June (17:00 - 19:00)

 6 hour course

Governing digital networks and services in cities and metropolitan areas: possibilities and challenges of 5G connectivity

Alvaro Artigas (Sciences Po CEE)

20, 21 & 22 June (09:00 - 11:00)

6 hour course

Political Violence and Nonviolent Resistance

Laia Balcells (Georgetown University)

20, 21 & 22 June (11:30 - 13:30) 6 hour course

Within-National Inequalities: from Pareto to Kuznets Waves

Branko Milanovic (City University of New York)

21, 22 & 23 June (15:00 - 17:00) 6 hour course

Foreign Policy: theory and practice; some relevant case studies in the beginning of the XXIst Century

Pere Vilanova (Universitat de Barcelona-IBEI)

27, 28, 29 & 30 June & 1 July (11:30 - 13:30) 10 hour course

Political Racism and the Case of Brexit

Martin Shaw (IBEI-University of Sussex- University of Roehampton)

28 & 29 June (10:00 - 13:00) 6 hour course

Understanding the EU’s role in the world

Karen E. Smith (London School of Economics)

30 June & 1 July (10:00 - 13:00)

6 hour course

Democracy, State Stability and Public Administration

Tony Bertelli (IBEI-Pennsylvania State University)

29-30 June & 1 July (15:00 - 17:00)

6 hour course