Cristina Zapatero Campreciós
Assistent de recerca, grup de recerca Q-DEM
Dades de contacte
Cristina graduated from Durham University in 2021 with a Bachelor’s degree in International Relations, followed by a Master’s degree in International Security at IBEI. Whilst studying in the latter institution she was an intern at the Red Cross in the Department of Innovation and Humanitarian Diplomacy. After that, she got her current role as a Research Assistant at Q-DEM Group, coordinated by Prof. Laura Chaqués Bonafont. In this role she has worked the DEMOC project conducting quantitative and qualitative research on the gender agenda of the Catalan Parliament and its MPs, and she is now studying Spain’s political elites and their use of social media within the ADSOM project.
Her Bachelor’s thesis examined Western counterterrorism strategies and gender orientalism and her Master’s discussed how the issue of gender violence is dealt with in Spain. Her research interests include: the Middle East, terrorism, the European Union, political elites and gender.
Formació acadèmica
- (2021-2023) Master’s in International Security, IBEI
- (2018-2021) BA in International Relations, Durham University
Línies d'investigació
- Gènere
- Elits polítiques
- Terrorisme
- Orient Mitjà
- Unió Europea
Clústers de recerca de l'IBEI
Projectes d'investigació
- Agenda Dynamics on Social Media (ADSOM) (Assistent de recerca)