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Crèdits: 4 ECTS

Segon semestre

Assignatures optatives




Fundamental aspects of the field of cybersecurity explained through examples and use cases and without very technical aspects. The course does not assume any prior knowledge of computer security and can be enjoyed by anyone interested in improving the security of their digital information.

Concepts from human factors, cryptography, computer and network security policies. Vulnerability analysis. Demonstrating that cybersecurity is an art as well as a science.

The course concludes with examples and case studies that are essential in understanding how these principles, policies and mechanisms are applied.


  • Attendance: 15%

  • 2 short tests on very basic principles and concepts (one at midterm and another one at the end of the course): 70%

  • Presentations on the topics of Discussion for every lecture: 15%

Competències, resultats d'aprenentatge i activitats formatives (PDF) (Castellà)
