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icono de curso

Data Analysis with R


Crèdits: 4 ECTS

Segon semestre

Assignatures optatives




The course provides a very practical introduction to data analysis and visualization with R. R is a programming language focused on statistical analysis and visualization.

It is a general introduction to the possibilities of the software, with a practical aim in mind, suitable for achieving self-sufficiency to become proficient and be able to incorporate it to the general toolkit of a social scientist. It is also specially targeted at students aiming at employing research methods for the master thesis, either with unstructured data (such as any text) or structured (like any traditional quantitative dataset).


The course will be evaluated regularly with weekly small exercises intended to reinforce in a practical level the contents of the sessions, with a final exercise that aligns with the academic/profession interests, and with a portfolio to keep track of the learning process. Sessions will be divided between introductory lectures, discussions, Q&A and autonomous work in the classroom.
