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2024 Edition | Barcelona Summer School of the Mediterranean and the Middle East

Fees and discounts


6 hour course



Professionals and Researchers


Discount pricing for participants taking more than one course

Number of courses

Discount applied

2nd course

20% discount

3rd course

30% discount

4th course

40% discount

  • Special discount of 20% for IBEI and Blanquerna students and alumni.
  • Early bird discount: an additional 10% discount for early full payments received on or before 3 June 2024


A limited number of scholarships to cover full or half course fees will be available. 

To apply for a scholarship, interested persons must send to IBEI (Carlos Sánchez, csanchez@ibei.org) until 22 May 2024, a letter of interest, a CV, and a recommendation letter. Scholarship will be communicated before 7 June 2024.