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Final Research Project Mundus MAPP


Crèdits: 20 ECTS

Segon semestre

Assignatures obligatòries

Anglès, Espanyol


Mundus MAPP includes a significant research training and independent research component, preparing students far further studies and/or jobs requiring research ski lis fallowing graduation. Students start to work on their thesis by compiling a review of the relevant literature, a methods section, or a substantial research proposal in the farm of a "thesis report", to be submitted in the first academic year. Building on the thesis report, students continue their project in year two and submit a thesis at the end of the academic year. 
The thesis is individually supervised; is supported by a workshop that is assessed through an oral presentation; and is designed to assess more advanced ski lis of independent research. 
The thesis is a 12,000 word long paper (including all references, faotnotes, bibliography, appendices, and abstract) with ali the attributes of scholarly work presented in accordance with I BEi or York thesis guidelines (depending on student track). lf a significant change in the topic occurs in the course of the work (as campa red to the thesis report), the student needs to secure approval from both supervisors. lf the changed to pie fa lis outside the expertise of the original supervisors it will not be approved. 
The thesis is due by June 7 (York tracks)/ July 1 (IBEI tracks) and is jointly graded by the two supervisors (or in the case of York, another member of faculty) each contributing half the final grade. Students receive detailed comments from the graders, and a single grade allocated in the York/lBEI grading scheme.

In order to complete the thesis requirement, students also need to pass an oral final examination (defense). The defense will take place in the days (or week) fallowing thesis submission. The defense will provide the opportunity to students to summarize their core argument, and far members of the defense committee to ask questions, thereby testing student's oral presentation and argumentation skills. A member of the committee who is of senior academic rank chairs the committee. The defense is graded with Pass or Fail only, which will be communicated to the student on the day of the defense. A passing grade is required both in the oral defense and for the thesis itself for fulfilling the thesis requirement as a whole.

By completing the thesis, students will:

  • Have knowledge of the main theoretical and conceptual debates in their chosen field
  • Be able to take independent research and data analysis
  • Be able to develop robust and sustained written analyses and arguments
  • Be able to orally defend their arguments and ideas


The marking criteria are included at the end of the Dissertation Guidelines document, which provides an indication of the decision-making process which underpins the marking schemes used by the Institut Barcelona d’Estudis Internacionals (IBEI).


