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Francesco Pasetti

Francesco Pasetti

Professor adjunt, GRITIM-UPF

Investigador, CIDOB


Francesco Pasetti is an adjunct professor at UPF, a research fellow at CIDOB in the area of migration, and an Affiliated Faculty member at IBEI. His interest in “migration matters” dates back to his experience at the ASK Research Center (Bocconi University) where he developed a two-year project on diasporic media. Turned his attention to the world of politics, he delved into the study of immigrant integration and its politics at GRITIM-UPF, firstly as master student and then as PhD candidate. In his doctoral thesis he analyzed integration policies in Europe and, then, examined the political imaginaries that lie beyond citizenship regimes in Italy and Spain. His expertise on integration policies grows in parallel as research collaborator for the Migration Policy Center (European University Institute) between 2013 and 2015. Recently he has devoted his attention to asylum seekers and refugees, focusing on the way in which the EU, member states and, particularly, Spain respond to their human rights claims in terms of policies.