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Gemma Lligadas González

Gemma Lligadas González

IBEI Fellow

Law Lecturer, Universitat Ramón Llull

Visiting Researcher, Universität Hamburg

Human Rights Fellow, Centre for Human Rights Erlangen-Nuremberg


Gemma Lligadas is an interdisciplinary scholar specialized in the legal structure of global governance and the global legal order emerging at the intersection of domestic, transnational and international law and politics.

Formació acadèmica

  • (2023) Doctor of Philosophy in International Relations, University of Oxford
  • (2016) Master of Legal Research, ESADE Law School, Universitat Ramón Llull; ICADE Law School, Universidad Pontificia de Comillas; Deusto Law School, Universidad de Deusto
  • (2011) Law Degree and Master in International Law, ESADE Law School, Universitat Ramón Llull


  • 2018. Oxford-Radcliffe Graduate Scholarship
  • 2016Academic Excellence Award
  • 2011. Academic Excellence Scholarship


Línies d'investigació

  • Sorgiment i contestació de normes
  • Regles i normes constitucionals globals
  • Teoria Jurídica Internacional
  • Drets humans i fonamentals
  • Tribunals

Clústers de recerca de l'IBEI