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Global Security challenges in this turbulent year 2017

10 hour course

Prof. Pere Vilanova (Universitat de Barcelona-IBEI)

June 26 – 30 (11.30 am – 1.30 pm)

Download the syllabus

This course will explore and make an assessment of the situation of Global Security in this turbulent year of 2017. We will explore the main challenges, elements of instability and uncertainties, as well as the profile that major actors are taking in the ongoing scenarios. Interactions among actors, trends of conflicts (new and old), and prospects for regional cooperation will be considered. The sessions will go around the following topics:

  1. General Introduction: deconstructing the concept of Global Security. Actors and Interactions, conflict management, confronting new sources of uncertainty.
  2. The concept of National and supranational security scenarios and strategies: threats, risks, uncertainties.
  3. The instruments of  national and supranational security policies.
  4. Europe in the storm? European strategies, European interests, problems ahead.
  5. Some conclusions: rethinking global governance from a strategic perspective.