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icono de curso

Governance, National and Global Institutions


Crèdits: 4 ECTS

Primer semestre

Assignatures obligatòries




This course explores the design and transformation of major global governance organizations in the field of international development, paying particular attention to new actors and power relations. International governance, political regimes and actors have fundamentally changed with the rise of emerging powers like Brazil, China, and India. Other actors such as civil society organizations, global social movements, cites, and multinational corporations have also become more influential. The course will discuss the consequences of these transformations for the mediation of developed and developing country interests within existing international organizations like the UN, World Bank and World Trade Organization. We will also pay close attention to basic human and social rights, recognizing that new forms of global and national governance and collective action will be necessary for progressive institutional change to happen.


The course will be evaluated as follows:

  • Preparation for and participation in the international diplomacy simulation exercise: 40%
  • Presentation and discussion during the essay workshop in Week 12: 20%
  • One essay of 2000 words: (40%)

Competències, resultats d'aprenentatge i activitats formatives (PDF) (Castellà)
