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Iavor Rangelov

Usuari sense foto

Research Fellow, LSE

Co-Founder, Civic Ecosystems Iniatitaive


Iavor Rangelov is Research Fellow at LSE IDEAS, London School of Economics and Co-Founder of the Civic Ecosystems Initiative. He coordinated the ERC-funded research programme Security in Transition at LSE, which pioneered the concept of global security cultures, and the Human Security Study Group which reported to former EU High Representative Federica Mogherini. He has published extensively on human rights in counterterrorism and peace operations, human security, justice, and civic activism. His current research investigates the phenomenon of civic ecosystems, the risks of securitizing the climate crisis, and the military contribution to human security.

Formació acadèmica

  • (2009) PhD in Government, London School of Economics
  • (2003) MSc in Human Rights, London School of Economics
  • (2001) BA in Political Science & International Relations, American University in Bulgaria


Línies d'investigació

  • Drets humans
  • Seguretat humana
  • Justícia
  • Activisme cívic

Publicacions més destacades

  • Rangelov, Iavor.2022.Human Security in Europe: The European Union and Beyond.Research Handbook on International Law and Human Security,Enllaç
  • Rangelov, Iavor; Theros, Marika

    2019.Political Functions of Impunity in the War on Terror: Evidence from Afghanistan.Journal of Human Rights,18(4):403-418Enllaç
  • Rangelov, Iavor.2014.Nationalism and the Rule of Law: Lessons from the Balkans and Beyond.New York:Cambridge University Press.Enllaç