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icono de curso

International Relations in Asia


Crèdits: 4 ECTS

Segon semestre

Assignatures optatives




This course analyses the different actors and processes which make up the distribution of power and wealth in Asia, as well as the region’s position and participation in the international system. The course comprises twelve 2-hour sessions which are organized along four different blocs: a) a first, introductory bloc that presents the socio-political geography of the region and its position within the study of international relations; a) a second bloc devoted to the features and roles of the main actors shaping Asia’s international relations; a third bloc focused on the evolution and transformation of Asia’s international relations during and after the Cold War; and finally, a four bloc devoted to the analysis of the economic and security dimensions of Asia’s international relations.


The evaluation includes three complementary elements: class participation and engagement in debate (15%); oral presentation of the research project (35%); final paper (50%). The paper will have an approximate extension of 3.500-4000 words. Further details on the precise conditions of the paper and the oral presentation of the research project will be provided on the first session.

Competències, resultats d'aprenentatge i activitats formatives (PDF) (Castellà)
