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icono de curso

Issues, Actors and Policy in International Studies


Crèdits: 4 ECTS

Segon semestre

Assignatures obligatòries




Global Trends and Sustainability (GTS) identifies key themes in global development, paying attention to the relationship between globalization and development and processes of uneven development (globally and within low and middle-income countries).  It discusses the challenges associated with the most recent set of global development standards, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and discusses whether they are fit for purpose, and examines the impacts of the Covid-19 crisis on development.  The course then explores key trends in global development, including finance and tax; transnational corporations; urbanisation; climate change; migration; land, and health, with a particular emphasis on how forms of inequality and the challenges of sustainability intersect and reinforce each other. We also evaluate the distinctive ways in which globalization and uneven development have shaped the lives of women and children in the global South.


  • A blog post (800-1000 words, 30% of total mark)
  • An essay (approximately 3000 words, 60% of the total mark)
  • Participation in classes (10% of final mark)

*Aquesta assignatura comparteix docència amb el curs de Global Trends and Sustainability del Màster en Desenvolupament Internacional.

Competències, resultats d'aprenentatge i activitats formatives (PDF) (Castellà)
