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Juan Díez Medrano

Juan Díez Medrano

Investigador sènior, IBEI

Catedràtic, Universidad Carlos III Madrid


Juan DIEZ MEDRANO is a Professor of Sociology at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. and Research Fellow at IBEI (Institut Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals). He obtained his PhD. from the University of Michigan (1989) and was formerly employed by the University of California, San Diego (1989-2003), the International University Bremen (2003-2004), and the Universitat de Barcelona. He is the author of Divided Nations (Cornell University Press, 1995), Framing Europe (Princeton University Press, 2003), Europe in Love: Binational Couples and Cosmopolitan Society (Routledge, 2020) and numerous scientific articles. He has also been a Visiting Scholar at ZUMA (Mannheim, Germany), the WZB (Berlin, Germany), Sciences Po (Paris, France), and the Freie Universität Berlin (Kolleg Forschungsgruppe "The Transformative Power of Europe", 2009). His most recent work has versed on the consequence of knowing foreign languages, on theories of secessionism as they relate to Brexit, and on European identification and solidarity.  He has also published on trade unions' support of free trade agreements in the United States and the United Kingdom.  At the moment, he is working on the emergence of a global market for zero emission vehicles. He is a regular reviewer for International Journal of Comparative Sociology, European Union Politics, Journal of Common Market Studies, Social Forces, Social Problems, and Ethnic and Racial Studies, among others.

Formació acadèmica

  • (1989) PhD in Philosophy, University of Michigan


1995Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship

Afiliacions professionals

  • Council for European Studies


Línies d'investigació

  • Integració Europea
  • Sociologia de la Cultura
  • Economia Sociològica
  • Globalització

Clústers de recerca de l'IBEI

Projectes d'investigació

  • Value conflicts in a differentiated Europe: The impact of digital media on value polarization in Europe (VALCON). Funded by the Volkswagen Foundation

Publicacions més destacades

  • Díez Medrano, Juan.2020.Europe in Love: Binational Couples and Cosmopolitan Society.Routledge.Enllaç
  • Díez Medrano, Juan.2019.Secessionism Revisited: unequal market insertion and its relevance for the analysis of Brexit.In:

    Jacint Jordana, Michael Keating, Axel Marx, and Jan Wouters (Eds.)

    Changing Borders in Europe.New York (NY):Routledge,pp: 78-95.Enllaç
  • Díez Medrano, Juan.2019.Identidad europea e identificación con Europa. Chapter 5.In:

    Cristina Ares; Luis Bouza (Eds.)

    Política de la Unión Europea: crisis y continuidad.Madrid:Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas.Enllaç
  • Díez Medrano, JuanCiornei, Irina; Apaydin, Fulya

    2019.Solidarities in Europe.In:

    Recchi E. et al (eds)

    Everyday Europe: Social Transnationalism in an Unsettled Continent.London:Policy Press.Enllaç
  • Díez Medrano, Juan; Braun, Michael; Behr, Dorothée

    2018.What do respondents mean when they report to be “citizens of the world”? Using probing questions to elucidate international differences in cosmopolitanism.Quality and Quantity,52(3):1121-1135Enllaç
  • Díez Medrano, Juan.2018.Beliefs and trade union support for trade liberalization in the US and the UK: the AFL-CIO and the TUC compared.Journal of International Relations and Development,21 (3):769-797Enllaç
  • Díez Medrano, Juan.2017.Uneven development, Partial Europeanization, and Nationalist Retreat: Societal Challenges to the Integration Project, Chapter 4.In: Andreas Grimmel (Ed.).The Crisis of the European Union. Challenges, Analyses, Solutions.New York:Routledge.Enllaç
  • Díez Medrano, Juan.2003.Framing Europe.Princeton University Press.Enllaç
  • Díez Medrano, Juan.1995.Divided nations.Cornell University Press.Enllaç
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