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Martin Shaw

Martin Shaw

Professor de recerca, IBEI

Professor emèrit, University of Sussex


Martin Shaw is Research Professor at IBEI and Emeritus Professor of Sussex University, UK. He is the author of War and GenocideWhat is GenocideGenocide in International Relations and has recently published “Russia’s Genocidal War in Ukraine: Radicalization and Social Destruction”, which is openly available online from the Journal of Genocide Research.

Formació acadèmica

  • (1993) PhD (Sociology of International Relations and War), University of Hull
  • (1968) BA Hons. (Sociology), London School of Economics and Political Science


  • 2022Lifetime Award. Enllaç
  • 2013Best Article in the European Journal of International Relations. Enllaç


Línies d'investigació

  • Sociologia Històrica
  • Política Global
  • Conflictes armats
  • Guerra
  • Genocidi
  • Racisme

Projectes d'investigació

  • Conceptual History, Concept Formation and the ‘Problems of Genocide’
    Class and ‘Political Genocide’

Publicacions més destacades

  • Shaw, Martin.2023.Russia’s Genocidal War in Ukraine: Radicalization and Social Destruction.Journal of Genocide Research,DOI: 10.1080/14623528.2023.2185372Enllaç
  • Shaw, Martin.2022.Political Racism: Brexit and Its Aftermath.Newcastle upon Tyne:Agenda Publishing.Enllaç
  • Shaw, Martin.2020.Racial self-interest, Max Weber and the production of racism: the strategy and propaganda of Vote Leave during the Brexit referendum.Patterns of Prejudice,54(4):347-365Enllaç
  • Goldberg, Amos; Kehoe, Thomas J.; Moses, A. Dirk; Segal, Raz; Shaw, Martin; Wolf, Gerhard

    2016.Israel Charny’s attack on the Journal of Genocide Research and its authors: a response.Genocide Studies and Prevention: An International Journal,10 (2):3-22EnllaçLogo open access
  • Shaw, Martin.2015.What is Genocide? (Second edition).Cambridge:Polity.Enllaç
  • Shaw, Martin.2013.Genocide and International Relations: Changing Patterns in the Transition of the Late Modern World.New York:Cambridge University Press.Enllaç
  • Shaw, Martin.2005.The New Western Way of War: Risk-Transfer War and its Crisis in Iraq.Polity.Enllaç
  • Shaw, Martin.2003.War and Genocide: Organised Killing in Modern Society.Oxford:Polity.Enllaç
  • Shaw, Martin.2000.Theory of the Global State: Globality as Unfinished Revolution.Cambridge Studies in International Relations,73Enllaç
  • Shaw, Martin.1996.Civil Society and Media in Global Crises: Representing Distant Violence.London:Pinter Publishers.
  • Shaw, Martin.1994.Global Society and International Relations: Sociological Concepts and Political Perspectives.Enllaç
  • Shaw, Martin.1991.Post-Military Society: Militarism, Demilitarisation and War and the End of the Twentieth Century.Philadelphia:Temple University Press.
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