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Mary Kaldor

Mary Kaldor

Catedràtica de Governança Global, LSE

Departament de Desenvolupament Internacional


Mary Kaldor is Professor Emeritus of Global Governance and Director of the Conflict Research Programme at The London School of Economics and Political Science.

She has pioneered the concepts of new wars and global civil society. Her elaboration of the real-world implementation of human security has directly influenced European and national governments.

She is the author of many books and articles including New and Old Wars: Organised Violence in a Global Era (3rd edition, 2012), International Law and New Wars (with Christine Chinkin, 2017) and Global Security Cultures (2018).


Publicacions més destacades

  • Kaldor, Mary; Rangelov, Iavor; Selchow, Sabine (Eds.)

    2018.EU Global Strategy and Human Security: Rethinking Approaches to Conflict.London:Routledge.Enllaç
  • Selchow, SabineKaldor, Mary

    2015.From Military to ‘Security Interventions’: An Alternative Approach to Contemporary Interventions.Stability: International Journal of Security and Development,4(1): 32Enllaç