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Erasmus Mundus Masters Programmes

Erasmus Mundus Master in International Law of Global Security, Peace and Development (ILGSPD)

Key Facts




24 mesos (total)
6 mesos (a l'IBEI)


120 ECTS (total)
60 ECTS (a l'IBEI)

Data d'inici a l'IBEI

Gener 2025



Web oficial

Les sol·licituds per a l'entrada al setembre de 2025 a ILGSPD estan tancades.

El finançament inicial del projecte ha arribat a la seva fi, a l'espera del resultat d'una sol·licitud de renovació. Tingueu en compte que no hi haurà convocatòria al setembre de 2025.

The Erasmus Mundus Master in International Law of Global Security, Peace and Development (ILGSPD) is designed to train the next-generation of lawyers and policy-makers with the ability to navigate the political context of international law, and the comprehensive knowledge needed to engage with the issues of global security, peace and development.

The world is facing unprecedented, complex and interconnected challenges. With increasing violence due to armed conflicts, terrorism and violent extremism, deepening socio-economic fragility and inequality, massive flows of refugees, climate change, and the development of new technologies like cyber technologies and Artificial Intelligence, the contemporary world order appears to be increasingly destabilized.

It is increasingly acknowledged, including by the United Nations, European Union, states and civil societies, that such challenges to global security, peace and development cannot be addressed singularly. Our Master is built on this acknowledgement: it provides an opportunity to study the interplay between law, politics, international relations, economics and sustainability across the fields of human rights, migration, economics and sustainability, and peace, security and conflict. 

Developed in response to the growing need for graduates of excellence with leadership potential in international law and global affairs, this uniquely innovative two-year master programme benefits from the expertise of nine European partner Higher Education institutions and a global network of 27 Associate Partners, including leading universities, research centres, international institutions, NGOs and law firms from around the world.

The programme is enriched with a minimum of three international mobility periods, summer schools, legal clinic and moot courts, work placement opportunities, and an array of conferences, workshops, study trips and other networking and skills development opportunities.

Programme partners

The consortium consists of the following partners:

The University of Glasgow will serve as the Coordinating Institution of the Programme.

The program operates as an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree Program funded by the European Commission.