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2024 edition | IBEI Graduate Summer School

Format: face-to-face format only

Language: English

Dates: The summer school is taking place from the 21st of May to the 12th of June 2024.

Certificate: After the Summer School, participants will receive a certificate for the number of hours attended. Upon previous request, IBEI faculty can provide an assessment of the courses, and the grades obtained can be included in the certificate if students aim to transfer them into ECTS credits.

Credits/ECTS: 1.5

Number of students per session: between 5 and 12 students.

Application Procedure: Candidates are invited to submit their applications by June 4th*. To apply, candidates must send an updated CV along with a letter of interest detailing how participation in this course aligns with their academic and/or professional aspirations (maximum of 1,000 words). Please note that enrollment is limited, and places will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. To secure your place, we encourage early application submission. After the deadline, placement cannot be guaranteed.

*Please note that for the course 'Authoritarian Regionalism and Sustainable Development: Eurasian and Global Challenges' by Anastassia Obydenkova (CSIC-IAE and IBEI), you should apply before May 14th.

Interested candidates must complete the Application Form.

For more information please contact Carlos Sánchez (csanchez@ibei.org), IBEI research coordinator.