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Programa de suport al doctorat

Support for IBEI-associated predoctoral students

As part of its mission to combine teaching with excellence in research, IBEI hosts a growing number of predoctoral researchers. These students usually register through the respective PhD Programs in Political Science at our partner universities (Universitat Autònoma de BarcelonaUniversitat de BarcelonaUniversitat Pompeu Fabra), which will also eventually award the degree of Doctor of Philosophy after the successful defense of the thesis. The association with IBEI represents an option to complement these existing programs.

Guidebook for current and prospective predoctoral researchers

The procedures required to join the institute and the services offered to IBEI-associated predoctoral students are outlined here.

PhD Seminars

PhD Seminars

The institute offers regular seminars for PhD students. Past and future events can be accessed here.

Coordinator of the PhD Support Programme

Coordinator of the PhD Support Programme

Frank Borge Wietzke
Frank Borge Wietzke
Professor agregat Co-coordinador del Màster en Desenvolupament Internacional