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icono de curso

Research Methods I - The Logic of Social Research


Crèdits: 6 ECTS

Primer semestre

Assignatures obligatòries




In today’s world getting information is not a problem. What is increasingly important is the ability to evaluate and filter information. This course trains students in analytical skills that enable them to be discerning consumers and creators of information in the world of the future. Through this course, they will learn both the skills and the attitude to understand and produce evidence-based policy and research.

The total length of the course is 6 ECTS (36 hours of instruction). This syllabus covers 4 ECTS (12 x 2 hours), to be taught between October and December. In January, each student must choose one intensive methodological training course in a specific skill-set. This course has a duration of 12 hours, is worth 2 ECTS and will contribute 30% of the final grade of the course.


Since the classes are hands-on, a part of your grade is determined by your participation.

There will also be a mid-term exam and a final 2-hour exam that will test all the concepts and skills taught through the course.

You will also receive evaluation for the intensive methodological training course that you take in January.

  • Participation: 20% (10% for participation in the classroom activities, 10% for contributions to the class discussions. You will be able to participate in the classroom activities and contribute to the discussions only if you have read the texts for each class.)
  • Mid-term exam: 20%
  • Final exam: 30%
  • Intensive methodological training course: 30%

*Aquesta assignatura comparteix docència amb el curs de Research Methods in International Security del Màster en Seguretat Internacional.

Competències, resultats d'aprenentatge i activitats formatives (PDF) (Castellà)
