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Sandrina Antunes

Sandrina Antunes

Universidade do Minho (Portugal)


Sandrina Antunes is an Assistant Professor at the Department of International Relations and Public Administration at the Universidade do Minho (Portugal) and scientific fellow at the Department of political science at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium). She holds a Ph.D. in Political Science (Université Libre de Bruxelles). She has been a visiting researcher at the London School of Economics (2000) and at the University of Edinburgh (2010). She preferentially works on regionalism and nationalism in the EU. She has a particular interest in evolutionary forms of paradiplomatic activities and lobbying activities in the EU. She has recently co-edited a book with John Loughlin published by Routledge: 'Europeanization and Territorial Politics in Small European Unitary States: A Comparative Analysis' (2020). She is currently working (and co-leading) a research project on regional paradiplomacy towards the EU: ‘Between Cooperation and Conflict: Explaining Strategies of Regional Paradiplomacy towards the EU in Regions Inside, Outside and in Transition (1992-2022). More information about Sandrina, here.