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icono de curso

Theories of International Security


Crèdits: 8 ECTS

Primer semestre

Assignatures obligatòries




The course offers an introduction to the field of international security studies and the core theoretical concepts and perspectives in the discipline. It will provide a comprehensive overview of theoretical approaches, from traditional realist theories, constructivist approaches, to normative approaches, and poststructuralist critiques. The theoretical part of the course will be supplemented by close examination of a range of traditional and new security issues, including the causes of war, humanitarian intervention, terrorism, and privatization of security.


Assessment Criteria:

  • Class and discussion participation: 10%
  • Three written essays of 1,200 words each (+/- 10%): 30% (10% each)
  • One oral presentations and a short written summary of the presentation’s main arguments (500 words, +/- 10%): 15%
  • Discussant for one presentation made by a colleague: 5%
  • Final take-home exam: 40%

N.B. The essay, presentation, and discussant topics have to be different. That is, you have to do the 5 assignments on 5 different topics.

Competències, resultats d'aprenentatge i activitats formatives (PDF) (Castellà)
