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TRANSLAT-Transnational Latin America: new roads to regional integration and globalization

Del 1 de març de 2017 fins al 31 de març de 2018

Challenges for regional integration in Latin America are enormous. For decades, numerous initiatives have been undertaken, including strategies of all types, in order to promote economic, social and policy integration in the countries making up Latin America. However, results have been scarce, in terms of institutional stability, the production of regional (or sub-regional) public goods, and policy co-ordination. This project, designed as a request for an Innovative Training Network (ITN) within the 2018 call for tender in the H2020 Programme, aims to promote an interdisciplinary research approach around the different transnational dynamics existing in Latin America, both in regard to intra-regional relations, within Latin America, and with other regions in the world, placing a particular focus on transatlantic relations with Europe.

The transnational perspective that inspires this project aims to promote research into networks and nodes in the Latin American region from different disciplines and topics. These include cultural and literary relations, physical connections in areas such as infrastructure, social links generated through migratory movements, and international relations in areas such as welfare and the reduction of inequality, as well as social and economic regulation policies. With this purpose, the project aims to use the same analysis methodology (social network analysis) in all its case studies, as well as the same theoretical perspective, that of studies on transnational relations and their impact on globalisation, with the necessary adaptations for each discipline.

The expected results of the ITN project include promoting a new generation of researchers on Latin American integration, much more exposed to debates of an interdisciplinary nature, and much more conscious of the impact of globalisation on regional integration processes.

Membres de l'equip

Ixchel Pérez Duran
Ixchel Perez Duran
Andrea C. Bianculli
Andrea C. Bianculli
Juan Carlos Triviño Salazar
Juan Carlos Triviño Salazar

Institucions finançadores

Jacint Jordana
Ministerio de Economia