IBEI is an institution firmly committed to non-discrimination and inclusion, as reflected in its bylaws, internal regulations and strategic plan. According to its Code of Ethics, IBEI shall strive for equal opportunities in hiring, training, activity, remuneration and retirement, actively avoiding discrimination based on sex, sexual orientation, and gender identity and expression, and applying positive action measures when necessary. The relationship among IBEI’s members, academic staff, non-academic staff, and students, both from a personal and from an academic perspective, is based on the principles of equality and non-discrimination, fostering an institutional environment of trust and collaboration.
According to its Strategic Plan 2021-2025, IBEI has made a bold commitment to gender equality as one of the strategic principles of its institutional and human resources policy, emphasizing the commitment to work for non-discrimination and to promote and encourage the necessary measures to achieve equal opportunities between women and men in the organization.
Equality Plan
IBEI’s Equality Plan 2022-2026 is an ordered set of measures, adopted after an assessment of context, whose objective is to achieve equality of treatment and opportunities between women and men and to eliminate discrimination on the grounds of gender, as well as on the grounds of sexual, affective and gender diversity.
With this plan, IBEI strives to comply with the current legislation, such as the Spanish Royal Decree-Law 6/2019, of 1 March, on urgent measures to guarantee equal treatment and opportunities for women and men in the workplace, and the Spanish Royal Decree 901/2020, of 13 October, which regulates equality plans and their registration.
Besides, the Equality Plan is in line with the principle on gender balance of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers, as part of IBEI’s HRS4R Action Plan.
Protocol for the prevention, identification & resolution of situations of sexual harassment and harassment based on sex, sexual orientation, and gender identity & expression
The Protocol is a tool to intervene in situations of sexual harassment, harassment based on sex, sexual orientation, and gender identity or gender expression among members of IBEI community (students, teaching staff, administrative and service staff).
The denounced conduct, physically or digitally (via e-mail, social media, instant messaging, etc.), must have taken place within the organizational or service provision area of IBEI, i.e., within any area of the campus or institute facilities, or outside those premises when the conduct takes place in an activity or service organized by IBEI.
It is intended as a guide for prevention, identification and resolution of such cases. The ultimate goal is to eradicate this type of conduct from the study and workplace.