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Human Resources in Research

On January 15, 2019 IBEI received the HR Excellence in Research distinction from the European Commission.

This quality distinction recognizes IBEI as an institution provider of a stimulating and favourable working environment, able to attract talent, encourage research and promote the careers of researchers in Europe.

The award reflects IBEI’s commitment to continuously improve its human resources policies in line with the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers, notably IBEI’s commitment to achieve fair and transparent recruitment and appraisal procedures.

IBEI endorsed the 40 principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers in March 2013 and adhered to the process of implementing a Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R) in November 2017, aligned with those principles.

In 2018, a Gap Analysis of the IBEI’s policies and practices against the principles of the Charter & Code was carried out. Following the Gap Analysis, an Action Plan was completed, identifying a number of key areas for change and further development, and submitted alongside the Gap Analysis.

The HRS4R process at IBEI was carried out under an inclusive and active-participatory approach, involving the whole research and faculty community, the governing bodies, and all management staff. IBEI HRS4R Action Plan is closely aligned with the Strategic Plan 2015-2020 and the Strategic Plan 2021-2025 of the Institute.

The HR Excellence in Research Award is granted by the European Commission to research performing organisations that abide by the 20 principles of the European Charter for Researchers. The European Charter, adopted by the Council of the European Union in December 2023, ensures researchers can enjoy the same rights and obligations in any European country.

Open, Transparent and Merit-based Recruitment of Researchers (OTM-R) is one of the pillars of the European Charter for Researchers. OTM-R brings benefits to researchers, institutions and a country's research system. More specifically, OTM-R makes research careers more attractive, ensures equal opportunities for all candidates and facilitates mobility. Overall, it may contribute to an increase in the cost-effectiveness of investments in research.


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