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Network on Europe-Africa Relations - Education and Research (NEAR-ER)

From December 1, 2024 to November 30, 2027

Grant number101176802

The NEAR-ER network brings together 20 higher education institutions (HEIs) from Europe (7) and Africa (13) with the shared goal of advancing informed discussions on EU-Africa relations. The project focuses on promoting innovative research and educational materials regarding various critical themes, including:

  • Trade and Development
  • Culture and Identity
  • Peace and Security
  • Migration and Demographics
  • Digital and Environmental Transitions

The network will foster intercontinental cooperation by providing knowledge sharing and capacity building, offering new insights on governance challenges related to EU-Africa relations. The project will involve the creation of an interactive data collection process, conferences, workshops, and summer schools, alongside a digital dissemination strategy through a website, blogs, webinars, podcasts, and reports.

Research Clusters related to the project

Team Members

Participating institutions

  • Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU Leuven), Belgium (Coordinator)

  • Universiteit Leiden (Leiden U), Netherlands

  • Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris 1), France

  • Uniwersytet Jagielloński (Jagiellonski U), Poland

  • Instituto Barcelona de Estudios Internacionales (IBEI), Spain

  • Universidade Nova de Lisboa (NOVA), Portugal

  • Faculté des Sciences Juridiques, Politiques et Sociales de Tunis (Tunis), Tunisia

  • Cairo University (Cairo U), Egypt

  • Université Mohammed VI Polytechnique (UM6P), Morocco

  • University of Pretoria (U Pretoria), South Africa

  • University of Dar es Salaam (U Dar es Salaam), Tanzania

  • Federal University Otuoke (FUO), Nigeria

  • Université de Lubumbashi (U Lubumbashi), Democratic Republic of the Congo

  • Makerere University (Makerere U), Uganda

  • University of Rwanda (U Rwanda), Rwanda

  • Universidade de Cabo Verde (U Cabo Verde), Cape Verde

  • Jimma University (Jimma U), Ethiopia

  • Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar (UCAD Dakar), Senegal

Funding institutions

Jacint Jordana
Contact person
Adam Holesch_foto
Adam Holesch
Contact person
Funded by the EU logo