Governing bodies
Pursuant to the Foundation’s Statutes, the Scientific Council is responsible for all academic matters pertaining to IBEI’s activity, including its detailed teaching programme, the necessary regulations or the launching of new programmes. This is why only the patron universities are represented in the Scientific Council.
The members of the Scientific Council are:
Laura Chaqués Bonafont,
Director, IBEI
Professor, Universitat de Barcelona
Esther Barbé,
Senior Research Associate, IBEI
Professor, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Ana Sofia Cardenal,
Professor, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Juan Díez Medrano,
Senior Research Fellow, IBEI
Professor, Universidad Carlos III Madrid
Caterina Garcia,
Professor, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Jean Grugel,
Research Professor, IBEI
Professor, University of York
Matthias vom Hau,
Research Coordinator & Associate Professor, IBEI
Robert Kissack,
Head of Studies & Associate Professor, IBEI
Andreu Olesti,
Professor, Universitat de Barcelona
Lourdes Reig Puig,
Vice-Rector for International Policy, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Anthony Michael Bertelli
Senior Research Associate, IBEI REPGOV project, ERC
Oriol Costa Fernández
Associate Professor, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona;
Senior Research Associate, IBEI