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icono de curso

Advanced Social Research


Créditos: 4 ECTS

Segundo semestre

Asignaturas obligatorias




This course provides a broad introduction to social science methodology. The main goal is to prepare students for writing their master’s thesis by guiding them through the various steps of the research process. Students will learn how to define a research problem, use theories, and translate them into testable hypotheses. Additionally, they will learn to conceptualize research problems in terms of variables, select appropriate cases to answer their research questions, and make descriptive and causal inferences.

The course focuses primarily on the essential logic underpinning social scientific research rather than introducing students to specific methodological techniques, although brief introductions to the most commonly used research techniques will be provided.

Throughout the course, students will have the opportunity to present their ongoing research projects and receive feedback from their peers and the professor. This feedback can be integrated into their research projects. The final goal of the course is to develop a research proposal for the master’s thesis.

There is very little set reading for this course. However, students need to prepare for each class (as per the instructions below) and in most of the first six sessions this usually includes reading at least one article related to their own dissertation topic. This reading is essential to building a good research design (and hence essential to most of the assignments in the course).


Evaluation details:

  • Class participation: 10%
  • Grade for draft research proposal: 10%
  • Feedback on draft research proposal: 10%
  • Presentation of draft final research proposal: 10%
  • Serving as a discussant to evaluate a student's proposal: 10%
  • Final research proposal: 50%

Competencias, resultados de aprendizaje y actividades formativas (PDF)
