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icono de curso

Gender, Security and Peace


Créditos: 4 ECTS

Segundo semestre

Asignaturas optativas




This course introduces students to the relationship between gender, international security, and the pursuit of peace. By adopting a critical and intersectional approach, the course aims to broaden students’ understanding of how gender intersects with various aspects of conflict, post-conflict processes, transitional justice, and peacebuilding efforts. We will begin the course by examining different feminist approaches to international security and the significance of gender in shaping foreign policy. Next, we will examine the gendered dimensions of conflict as well as the interconnectedness between gender-based violence and broader security concerns.

The second part of the course will focus on a critical evaluation of transitional justice mechanisms such as truth commissions, reparation programs, and reconciliation processes through an intersectional perspective. Students will gain insights into how these mechanisms can address gender-based violence, promote gender equality, and contribute to sustainable peacebuilding. By engaging with case studies and real-world examples, we will also explore the role of gender in peacemaking and peacebuilding efforts. 


The course has four different types of assignments:

1. Participation (20%):  A portion of your final grade relies on your participation and attendance. Students are expected to actively participate during classes. Effective participation will require that you come to class prepared to discuss the reading material and to engage in an informed discussion. Both the quantity and quality of your contributions will be taken into account.

2. Group Presentation (30%): Between the 2nd and the 9th session, a group of 3 to 4 students (depending on the number of enrolled students) will make a presentation at the beginning of class, addressing the theme of that session. These presentations will last about 20 minutes, will have PowerPoints, and each group member will participate in the presentation.

3. Final Essay (40%): For your last assignment, you will write a 3000 word essay (10% up/down min/max) on a topic that is related to the subjects of this course and different from your topic of group presentation. For this assignment, you have two options: you can write your essay either in the form of a policy brief or research paper.

4. Final Essay Presentation (10%): In the last three sessions, students will present their final essay projects to the class. These presentations will last about 7 minutes, have PowerPoints, and leave about 5 minutes at the end for questions and comments from the class.
