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Immigration Integration Policies


Créditos: 4 ECTS

Segundo semestre

Asignaturas optativas de Especialidad




Why the extreme-right exploits immigration in their political programs? Why are cities central to the integration of immigrants? Why some countries ban Muslim women from wearing the burka in public places? Should the process of becoming a citizen include language requirements? The integration of immigrants is one of the most politicized issues in the political agenda of host societies. From Europe to the United States, from Malaysia to South Africa, the practical implications of the integration of immigrants require of policy answers to manage the process. The policy-making of immigrant integration raises important questions related to the policy patterns followed by certain countries in comparison to others. Truth is that immigration has made of host societies richer and diverse ones. However, the presence of heterogeneous groups of immigrants raises  important questions on how to manage the integration process; how immigrants and the host society interact in the public sphere; how to manage religious pluralism or how urban policies can become even more relevant than national ones. Taking a comparative approach, this course aims to explore the integration of immigrants from a policy perspective. Our geographical focus is Europe and North America; however, references to other parts of the world are very much welcome.


The session will be divided into two parts. The first part will be devoted to the lecture of the session’s topic and the second part will be devoted to the active participation of students in each one of the sessions. Due to the interactive environment of the course, students are expected to attend all sessions.

The evaluation is divided into four components:

  • 5% Participation in class
  • 20% Presentations
  • 25% Policy labs (2)
  • 50% Policy paper

Competencias, resultados de aprendizaje y actividades formativas (PDF)
