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icono de curso

Minority Politics in the Middle East


Créditos: 4 ECTS

Segundo semestre

Asignaturas optativas




This course describes and analyzes the current and historical challenges of religious, racial, ethnic, and linguistic minorities in the Middle East in general and Arab countries in particular. Various materials and theoretical frameworks will be used and examined in the relation between minority groups and the state. In this context, this course will map the possible existing minorities in the mentioned region along with their relationship with the majority of the population, each in its specific context. This course will also focus on the relation or politicization or discrimination of minority groups with the republican authoritarian states such as Syria and Egypt; theocratic republics such as Iran; monarchies such as Saudi Arabia; semi-democratic such as Lebanon and in democratic context such as Israel. Finally, this course will be designed to foster constructive analysis and criticism to the question of minorities’ integration in the state building process in this region. Needless to mention that this course will shed also on the effect of Arab spring on minorities each in its specific regime context.


This course will be based on lectures, simulations and peer reports. During this course, student teams will be asked to present a project about separate types of minorities. In addition, students will be evaluated based on the following:

  • Midterm exam (30%)
  • Group presentations (20%)
  • Final written paper (50%)

Competencias, resultados de aprendizaje y actividades formativas (PDF)
