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icono de curso

Natural Resources and Geopolitics


Créditos: 4 ECTS

Segundo semestre

Asignaturas optativas




Geopolitics, in its most fundamental sense, explores the relationship between geography and politics. This course explores how the presence or absence of natural resources can influence both national and international politics. By gaining insight into these dynamics, students will be equipped to incorporate natural resource considerations into their analyses of domestic and global political scenarios.

In the first part of the course, we will examine domestic factors and investigate how natural resources can trigger political instability and violent conflicts. We will analyze how the abundance or scarcity of specific natural resources can contribute to these situations. Then, the focus of the course will shift to the global stage as we will explore the international politics surrounding various vital natural resources, including fossil fuels, water, land, food, and critical raw materials. Each session will delve into the web of global power dynamics associated with these resources. In the tenth session, we will peer into the future and discuss emerging resource frontiers, such as the Arctic, deep sea, and outer space. The final part of the course will combine and synthesize the different elements explored throughout the semester. The penultimate session will analyze the coherence and incoherence of resource politics, with a particular focus on the European Union as a case study. In the concluding session, students will engage in a simulation game where they take on the roles of national and international actors embroiled in a resource conflict.


The final grade will be determined by a number of elements.

Graded Elements:

  • Class participation: 10%
  • Mid-term exam: 10%
  • Final exam: 30%
  • Term paper: 50%
