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Panel Discussion | The Day After the Presidential Election: US–European Trajectories after November 5, 2024

Martes 29 de octubre de 2024, de 17:00 a 19:00
Aula 24.S18, Sala Polivalent (Sótano). Edificio Mercè Rodoreda 24. IBEI

Registration is required

The outcome of the upcoming US presidential election will have enormous implications for the future direction of the country and its relations with the world. As November 5 approaches with the absence of a clear frontrunner, European governments have to account for the possibility that either candidate might win, with potentially transforming effects on a wide range of issues, particularly the war in Ukraine and the US military role in Europe. But what are the expectations of continuity versus change in American policy? How will these expectations shape the policies of European states once the election outcome is known? This panel discussion will address the alternative trajectories US–European relations are likely to take based on a Kamala Harris or Donald Trump victory.


  • Victoria Alsina, former Foreign Minister of Catalunya
  • Pol Morillas, CIDOB
  • Judy Dempsey, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
  • Leonard Hockstader, Washington Post
  • Brandon Bohrn, Bertelsmann Stiftung
  • Jack Thompson, University of Amsterdam

Moderator: Jeffrey Michaels, IEN Senior Fellow at IBEI

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