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icono de curso

Politics of International Sanctions (intensive)


Créditos: 4 ECTS

Segundo semestre

Asignaturas optativas




This course provides an introduction to key debates and practices of international sanctions policies. It consists of an introduction to the concept of sanctions, their operation and their role in international politics, as well as to the scholarly approaches to the evaluation of their impact and effectiveness. Empirically, the focus is on multilateral sanctions, analysing both UN and EU policies regarding the use of this tool. The course discusses controversies in sanctions scholarship which are key to the contemporary scholarly debate, and combines lecturing with innovative instructional methods.


Sessions alternate lectures, case-driven discussions of readings and group exercises. Students are expected to do the required readings prior to the class and to participate actively in class discussions.

  • Oral participation: 20%
  • Research Essay: 50%
  • Final Test: 30%
