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Anna Ayuso

Anna Ayuso_foto

Senior Researcher, CIDOB

Adjunct Professor, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona


Doctor in International Law and Master in European Studies by the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB). Senior Researcher Fellow on Latin America issues in CIDOB since 2002 and former coordinator of the International Cooperation Area at the same institution (1995-2001). Associate Professor at the UAB teaching International Law and Visiting teacher in Institut Barcelona d’Estudis Internacionals (IBEI). Member of the research group DIE-EURJAIDI (2014-2016) attached to the UAB International Law Department. Member of Editorial Board of Revista CIDOB d 'Afers Internacionals and the CIDOB Yearbook of International Relations; member of the Advisory Board of the International Journal Mural of the Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro and the Comillas Journal of International Relations; Member of the Academic Council of FLACSO-Spain. Have been visiting researcher at Fundacao Getulio Vargas in Rio de Janeiro; Colegio de Mexico; "School of Oriental and African Studies" in London; the "Institute of Development Studies" in the University of Susex; and the "Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik" in Germany.

Formació acadèmica

  • (2001) Doctor in International Law, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)
  • (1995) Master in European Studies, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)
  • (1986) Law Degree, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)


1992-1995Scholarship of the Ministry of Education and Science in the 1992 Call for Training of Research Personnel in Spain. 

1994Scholarship for short researh in SOAS and IDS, UK

1993Scholarship for short researh in DIE, Germany.

Scholarship for short reseach in Colegio de México.

Afiliacions professionals

  • Sennior Researcher Feloww  in CIDOB
  • Associate Professor in Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
  • Associate Professor in CEI- Universitat de Barcelona
  • Associate Professor in IBEI
  • Member of the Editorial Board of the Academic magazine CIDOB d’ Afers Internacional (2010-now)
  • Member of the Consultive Board of the magazine Mural Internacional of the Universidade do Estado do Río de Janeiro (2013-now)
  • Member of the Academic Board of the FLACSO-España Project (2014-now)


Línies d'investigació

  • Estudis d'Amèrica Latina
  • Integració Regional
  • Cooperació Internacional
  • Dret internacional
  • Estudis Europeus

Projectes d'investigació

  • Researcher “International cooperation as an essential means of combating trafficking and trafficking in persons: The role of the EU and other international organizations.”(CIMCETT)

  • Researcher “Jean Monet Network on Atlantic Studies” European Commission Grant Agreement n. 2016-2758/00-001, 36month (from May 2016-2019

  • Researcher "The challenge of the new map of the Agencies of the EU's Area of Freedom, Security and Justice" (MAGELS) Department of Public Law and Historical-Legal Sciences. Funded by the Ministry of Education Culture and Sport of Spain (Ref. DER2012-36009) 2013-2016.

  • Project “Atlantic Future” finances for the European Commission 7 Framework Program SP1-Cooperation. (FP7-SSH-2012-2) Grant Agreement Number 320091 (January 2012-december 2015)

Publicacions més destacades

  • Ayuso, Anna; Parada, Ana Maria

    2019.Ley Helms Burton: ¿Un nuevo frente en la guerra comercial?.CIDOB opinión,nº574, Mayo 2019Enllaç
  • Ayuso, Anna; Alonso, José Antonio (Coord.)

    2017.Acercar los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible a la ciudadanía: El compromiso de Europa con la Agenda 2030.CIDOB,pp. 86Enllaç
  • Ayuso, Anna.2016.El espacio iberoamericano en el orden global (p. 35-58).In: Bonilla, A., E. Sáez,  y M.F. Morales.Iberoamérica y el nuevo regionalismo, pp.220.San José de Costa Rica:FLACSO.Enllaç
  • Ayuso, Anna.2016.Bilateralismo, interregionalismo y enfoque global: dilemas de la UE frente a América Latina y el Caribe pp.101-131.In: Giovanni Molano (comp.).La Unión Europea en América Latina y el Caribe. Lógicas y políticas de un actor global.Bogotá:Universidad Sergio Arboleda,pp: 406.
  • Mezzetti, Petra; Ayuso, Anna

    2016.Tackling inequality in cities through social innovation.In: J.M. Coll (coord.).Wise Cities. A new paradigm for urban resilience, sustainability and well-being.CIDOB:Barcelona,pp: pp. 37-46.Enllaç
  • Ayuso, Anna; Gratius, Susanne

    2016.América Latina y Europa: ¿Repetir o reinventar un ciclo?.In: coord. José Antonio Sanahuja.América Latina de la Bonanza a la crisis de la Globalización.Revista Pensamiento Propio nº44,pp: 249-292.Enllaç
  • Gardini, Gian Luca; Ayuso, Anna

    2015.EU-Latin America and Caribbean Inter-regional relations: complexity and change.Atlantic Future Scientific Paper,Nº 24:25Enllaç
  • Ayuso, Anna.2015.The Atlantic Space in the 21st Century.In: Jordi Bacaria y Laia Tarragona (Eds.).Atlantic Future Shaping a New Hemisphere for the 21st century: Africa, Europe and the Americas.Barcelona:Ed. CIDOB,pp: 147-156.Enllaç
  • Matheis, Frank; Viilup, Elina; Ayuso, Anna

    2015.Regional cooperation, Interregionalism and governance in the Atlantic.In: Jordi Bacaria y Laia Tarragona (Eds.).Atlantic Future Shaping a New Hemisphere for the 21st century: Africa, Europe and the Americas.Barcelona:Ed. CIDOB,pp: 117-135.Enllaç
  • Ayuso, Anna.2014.The Recent History of  Spain Lain-America relations, Chapter 7.In: David Garcia and Ramon Pacheco.Contemporary Spanish Foreign Policy.Reino Unido:Editorial Routledge.Enllaç
