Anna Ayuso
Senior Researcher, CIDOB
Adjunct Professor, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Contact data
Background and education
- (2001) Doctor in International Law, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)
- (1995) Master in European Studies, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)
- (1986) Law Degree, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)
Research interests
- Latin American Studies
- Regional Integration
- International Cooperation
- International Law
- European Studies
Research projects
Researcher “International cooperation as an essential means of combating trafficking and trafficking in persons: The role of the EU and other international organizations.”(CIMCETT)
Researcher “Jean Monet Network on Atlantic Studies” European Commission Grant Agreement n. 2016-2758/00-001, 36month (from May 2016-2019
Researcher "The challenge of the new map of the Agencies of the EU's Area of Freedom, Security and Justice" (MAGELS) Department of Public Law and Historical-Legal Sciences. Funded by the Ministry of Education Culture and Sport of Spain (Ref. DER2012-36009) 2013-2016.
Project “Atlantic Future” finances for the European Commission 7 Framework Program SP1-Cooperation. (FP7-SSH-2012-2) Grant Agreement Number 320091 (January 2012-december 2015)
Selected publications
- 2017.Acercar los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible a la ciudadanía: El compromiso de Europa con la Agenda 2030.CIDOB,pp. 86Link
- 2016.El espacio iberoamericano en el orden global (p. 35-58).In: Bonilla, A., E. Sáez, y M.F. Morales.Iberoamérica y el nuevo regionalismo, pp.220.San José de Costa Rica:FLACSO.Link
- 2016.Bilateralismo, interregionalismo y enfoque global: dilemas de la UE frente a América Latina y el Caribe pp.101-131.In: Giovanni Molano (comp.).La Unión Europea en América Latina y el Caribe. Lógicas y políticas de un actor global.Bogotá:Universidad Sergio Arboleda,pp: 406.
- 2016.Tackling inequality in cities through social innovation.In: J.M. Coll (coord.).Wise Cities. A new paradigm for urban resilience, sustainability and well-being.CIDOB:Barcelona,pp: pp. 37-46.Link
- 2016.América Latina y Europa: ¿Repetir o reinventar un ciclo?.In: coord. José Antonio Sanahuja.América Latina de la Bonanza a la crisis de la Globalización.Revista Pensamiento Propio nº44,pp: 249-292.Link
- 2015.EU-Latin America and Caribbean Inter-regional relations: complexity and change.Atlantic Future Scientific Paper,Nº 24:25Link
- 2015.The Atlantic Space in the 21st Century.In: Jordi Bacaria y Laia Tarragona (Eds.).Atlantic Future Shaping a New Hemisphere for the 21st century: Africa, Europe and the Americas.Barcelona:Ed. CIDOB,pp: 147-156.Link
- 2015.Regional cooperation, Interregionalism and governance in the Atlantic.In: Jordi Bacaria y Laia Tarragona (Eds.).Atlantic Future Shaping a New Hemisphere for the 21st century: Africa, Europe and the Americas.Barcelona:Ed. CIDOB,pp: 117-135.Link
- 2014.The Recent History of Spain Lain-America relations, Chapter 7.In: David Garcia and Ramon Pacheco.Contemporary Spanish Foreign Policy.Reino Unido:Editorial Routledge.Link