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21 · JULIOL · 2021

Annual Report 2020

We are glad to share our Annual Report 2020.

This year 2020 has been exceptional for a very basic reason: the COVID-19 pandemic that has strongly impacted on our lives and professional activities in many respects. In spite of the circumstances, at IBEI, day-to-day activities continued as normally as possible, even during the hardest times of lockdown, thanks to a radical and immediate move to digital.

It has been a very special and difficult year for everybody, including IBEI, but we rose to the challenge and new students continued to arrive at IBEI in the autumn for our new courses and programmes. New research projects were launched throughout the year, as the first ERC Consolidator Grant obtained by IBEI, in October 2020. This is why we warmly thank the entire IBEI community for their enthusiasm and hard work during this extremely trying year 2020.

You can read it online and download it in PDF version.