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26 · JUNY · 2019

APPLY for the Research Master’s in International Studies. Last days!

The Research Master’s in International Studies is a 2-year interdisciplinary 120-ECTS credit programme, taught in English, that combines the study of complex problems in international politics and related areas, with a strong focus on research methods in Social Sciences.

⚠️ Applications for the Research Master’s in International Studies are open until the 31st of July 2019.

To apply for this programme, please complete the online application form. This form offers the possibility to apply for scholarships that partially or completely cover the enrolment amount of the master's programme.

There is a scholarship offer for this programme, please contact admissions@ibei.org to know more.

This new Master's is designed to train policy analysts and researchers in different areas of international studies, providing them with advanced methods training and research skills that will enable them to develop or consolidate their professional and academic careers in competitive research environments.

🔎 The programme offers excellent training to successfully pursue a PhD programme in International Relations, Development studies, Public Policy or Political Science.

Applicants should have an undergraduate degree in Social Sciences, in particular International Relations, Political Sciences, Sociology, Economics, International Public Law or equivalent.

The first year of the programme combines theory and empirical cases, providing students with extensive knowledge of the different fields of international studies, including academic and professional perspectives. Beyond a set number of core courses, students can choose from over 50 electives. 

In the second year, students are trained in advanced research methods, including innovative analytical techniques and sophisticated software tools. The culmination of the two-year programme will be a 30-ECTS credit Final Research Project (thesis). IBEI combines its core faculty of internationally recognized international studies scholars, with affiliated professors from its partner universities in Barcelona and distinguished visiting scholars. Students will also have the opportunity to engage with visiting researchers, international officials, governmental experts and practitioners who will regularly give public lectures at IBEI.