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Barcelona Workshop on Global Governance

Dilluns 14 de gener de 2013, a les 9:00
Seminar Room - Ground Floor


January 14-15, 2013

Institut Barcelona d’Estudis Internacionals (IBEI) and ESADEgeo Center for Global Economics and Geopolitics


The aim of the Barcelona Workshop on Global Governance, which will be hosted by IBEI and ESADEgeo on January 14-15, 2013, is to provide a venue for the study of global institutions from an institutional and organization design perspective. While most research on international organizations has viewed these entities as the platforms where states - the fundamental units - interact, this forum will focus on international governmental organizations (IGOs) themselves as the building blocks of global governance. This workshop will bring together international scholars and experts involved in the study of these governance structures and their intricacies, in an attempt shed some light on how international governance mechanisms work and thus how they can be at their most effective in addressing global governance challenges.

BCN Workshop Global Governance Program 



The workshop is conceived as an open forum, but the number of listeners will be limited by infrastructure constraints. Therefore, please register by sending an email to info@bcnwgg.net with your full name, institutional affiliation and position and your research interests in order to ensure your place.


January 14: Institut Barcelona d’Estudis Internacionals (IBEI): C/ Elisabets 10, Barcelona – www.ibei.org

January 15: ESADE: Edifici 3, Avda d’Esplugues 92-96, Barcelona - www.esade.com


Website: www.bcnwgg.net