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#BarcelonaMEDMENA Roundtable | The Rise of Substate Actors in International Relations: the Case of the Mediterranean and the Middle East

Dijous 7 de juliol de 2022, a les 18:00
Institute of Catalan Studies (Carrer del Carme, 47. Barcelona)

🔎 Programme in PDF

On 7th July, at 6:00 PM, DIPLOCAT will be holding a round table discussion entitled "The rise of sub-state actors in international relations: towards a better governance. The cases of the Mediterranean and the Middle East". The event will take place at the Institute of Catalan Studies (Carrer del Carme, 47). The day is part of the programme of the Barcelona Summer School of the Mediterranean and Middle East organised by the Barcelona Institute of International Studies (IBEI) and Blanquerna-Ramon Llull University.

The session will be hosted by the Minister of Foreign Action and Open Government, Victòria Alsina, the Secretary General of DIPLOCAT, Laura Foraster i Lloret, and the Dean of the Faculty of Communications and International Relations of the Ramon Llull University, Josep Lluís Micó.

They will be followed by a round table on the role of sub-state actors in the governance of the international sphere, with specific cases from different geographical areas, with the participation of John Packer, the Neuberger-Jesin Professor of International Conflict Resolution at the University of Ottawa, to talk about Iraq and Yemen; Manuel Duran, of the research group on International Policy at the University of Antwerp, who will discuss Catalonia, Italy and France; and Silvia Quattrini, head of North Africa for the Minority Rights Group, to talk about the so-called MENA countries (Middle East and North Africa).

The panel will be moderated by the associate professor and academic coordinator of the Degree in International Relations of the Ramon Llull University, Mariona Lloret, who will end the event with a debate between the speakers and a round of questions from the audience. The event will be held in the English language.

The Barcelona Summer School of the Mediterranean and the Middle East is a joint initiative of IBEI and Blanquerna University. The School includes interactive roundtables focused on the various policy challenges the two regions face.

In collaboration with DIPLOCAT