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EU-VALUES Webinar | Rethinking Corruption

Dimarts 12 de novembre de 2024, de 15:00 a 16:00

Alina Mungiu-Pippidi

Online free access. Registration is required.

Explore insights into corruption and governance with leading scholar Prof. Alina Mungiu-Pippidi, author of 'Rethinking Corruption' (2023), and discussant Prof. Brigitte Unger.
This webinar delves into the analytical tools and forecasting methods presented in Mungiu-Pippidi’s work, offering a fresh perspective on assessing and predicting corruption risk.  Hear from the experts on corruption, transparency, and governance reform.

EU-VALUES Network webinar series will be presenting the latest research on values and democracy in EU foreign policy, offering the audience to hear from leading scholars in the field.

Each webinar will highlight a new book or research study with the potential to shape future thought on EU values and democracy. We will hear from the author(s), an expert discussant in the subject area, and then a Q&A session with the audience.

Participation is free and webinars can be joined from anywhere in the world.

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