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EUCROSS/GLOBE Webinar | Power on the Precipice: The Six Choices America Faces in a Turbulent World

Dilluns 19 d'octubre de 2020, de 15:00 a 16:30
Seminari d'investigació

Dr. Andrew Imbrie (Georgetown University’s Center for Security and Emerging Technology) and Ambassador Frans van Daele

Webinar available in video:

A conversation with the Author, Dr. Andrew Imbrie, and Ambassador Frans van Daele.

In this webinar, Dr. Andrew Imbrie, senior fellow at Georgetown University’s Center for Security and Emerging Technology, will present his new book, Power on the Precipice: The Six Choices America Faces in a Turbulent World (Yale University Press, 2020) – an essential guide to renewing American leadership in a turbulent, polarized, and post-dominant world.

With absorbing insight and fresh perspective, foreign policy expert Andrew Imbrie provides a road map for bolstering American leadership in an era of turbulence abroad and deepening polarization at home. This is a book about choices: the tough policy trade-offs that political leaders need to make to reinvigorate American money, might, and clout. In the conventional telling, the United States is either destined for continued dominance or doomed to irreversible decline. Imbrie argues instead that the United States must adapt to changing global dynamics and compete more wisely.

Drawing on the author’s own experience as a foreign policy adviser and speechwriter to Secretary of State John Kerry, as well as on interviews and comparative studies of the rise and fall of nations, this book offers a sharp look at American statecraft and the United States’ place in the world today.

Is America fated to decline as a great power? Can it recover? As a fraught Presidential election process is set to define the course of American foreign policy for years to come, Andrew Imbrie will discuss these questions with Frans van Daele, former Belgian Ambassador to the United States and Representative to NATO.

Participation is free and the webinar can be joined from anywhere in the world. Access the GLOBE Webinar Channel and check the featured videos for the past webinars.