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European Integration, Asian Values and Ideas, and Global Governance

Dilluns 22 de març de 2010, a les 14:00
Aula 4 - IBEI
Seminari d'investigació
Contemporary international relations are characterized by processes of both growing globalization as well as fragmentation. On the one hand, globalization reflects the tendency of homogenization through intensified exchanges of goods, people and ideas. Similarly, these processes of globalization have been also defined as a process of universalization of Western values and ideas. On the other hand, the process of fragmentation and regionalization in global politics visualized the Western competition with Asian values and ideas represented by emerging Asian powers such as China, India or Indonesia. This seminar attempts to discuss these different tendencies taking as a point of departure the considerations about current state of the European Integration, the characteristics of Asian values and ideas, and changing character of contemporary diplomacy. By linking these questions it will aim to question the feasibility of creating a system of global governance.

