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5 · JUNY · 2020

IBEI Assistant Professor and Beatriu de Pinós Research Fellow Charles Roger reorients his research in response to the COVID-19 pandemic

Given the health emergency we are experiencing around the world, the scientific community has been undertaking significant efforts to understand how we can effectively address the pandemic and its related economic impacts. In line with this, IBEI Assistant Professor and Beatriu de Pinós Research Fellow Charles Roger has reoriented his research on informality and global governance to respond more effectively to the new situation. As a result, the European Commission has included his Beatriu de Pinós project in the list of Horizon 2020-funded research programs with the potential to contribute to the fight against the crisis.

Charles Roger is an expert on international organizations and international law, and his research can help to deepen our understanding of the prospects for effective international collaboration in response the pandemic and the associated economic crisis. His research explores the transformations occurring in our system of global governance and how these are shaping—for better or worse—our ability to address cross-border problems.

The list of actions and projects on the coronavirus of the Catalan knowledge system is included in the section Research activity in Catalonia linked to COVID-19 (in catalan).