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25 · GENER · 2022

L'investigador predoctoral de l'IBEI Adrià Rivera rep el premi Manuel Castillo 2021

IBEI's pre-doctoral fellow Adrià Rivera Escartin has won the Manuel Castillo Award 2021, organized by the Universitat de València.

Adrià Rivera Escartin has been awarded within the category Published research university monograph, for his scientific article Populist challenges to EU foreign policy in the Southern Neighbourhood: an informal and illiberal Europeanisation?, published in the Journal of European Public Policy.

Congratulations, Adrià!

In the winning paper, Adrià examines the implications of Italian and Hungarian populist pressure on the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) in third country contexts, using Tunisia and Egypt as in-depth case studies. The article also aims to contribute conceptually to current debates on the de-Europeanisation -or not- of EU foreign policy. The two cases illustrate how, under the influence of member states with populist radical right parties (PRRPs) in government, informal and illiberal Europeanisation is not a contradiction in terms but a real possibility.

The Manuel Castillo Awards aim to stimulate academic and journalistic research in the field of cooperation and human development. They have the purpose of promoting and encouraging the results of the research, and the orientation of its written or audiovisual format, to be directly related to development cooperation, providing knowledge, revealing capabilities or denouncing human rights and human sustainable development aggression. More information