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Practitioner seminar series | The Professions Within the Sustainable Development Environment

Divendres 1 de març de 2024, a les 12:00
Room 24.202 (Second floor). Mercè Rodoreda building 24. UPF Ciutadella

Fanny Fourestier (NTT Data)

During the course of the academic year 2023/24 IBEI hosts a series of lectures by practitioners in the field of international relations and development.

The practitioner seminar series is intended to give IBEI students and attendees an opportunity to engage with international professionals about their personal work experience, the organizations they represent, and to learn about possible career trajectories in international governmental and non-governmental organizations. Each lecture will allow ample room for questions and inputs from the audience.

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1 March 2024 · 12:00

The Professions Within the Sustainable Development Environment

Fanny Fourestier (NTT Data)

Fanny Fourestier has experience as a senior consultant and project manager in green and circular economy, private sector and SMEs support, digitalisation and innovation, sustainable cities and gender. She also works in topics related to business development, tendering and public biding with international organisations.